Inpaint is the solution for those annoying imperfections, people, or objects that you want to disappear from your photographs.
This tool is capable of eliminating any element that you want to disappear, without anyone knowing that you've edited the photo.
It works by analyzing the visible contour, to calculate what should be behind the object that you're erasing. That gives it the capability to fill the space with a similar texture.
Although Inpaint performs a magical task, it's not at all complicated to use. Just select the area that you want to delete with the lasso or rectangle tool, and press the green triangle.
Once you've done that, your selection will disappear and an improved, restored background will take its place, just as if the image had always been that way.
Use your imagination with the program, and use its tool to get rid of the dates that show up on your digital camera photos, or watermarks imposed by other editing programs.
It's the perfect tool to create perfect results.
Very good